i'm done with finals!
i only had one final to take, though, and it was in my Development of Popular Music 1959-1979 class. SUPER EASY AND FUN!
i also had a final paper due last week in my Men & Masculinity class. my topic was gender performance in male musicians in the 50s and 60s. i wrote it the night before it was due; more specifically, the morning that it was due. i think i wrote my first
sentence at around 3 a.m.? nine hours later, i turned that sucker in! and i found out the other night that i got a 95 on it. BUNG!
i'm so glad this semester is over, and that it ended on a pretty good note. the past few months have not been good academically for me. i've just been super lazy this semester, choosing to lie around and watch movies for hours instead of getting a jump on my work. i turned 21 and spent too much money on booze and not enough time on being a good student. i had to drop a class, i'm going to end up getting B's in classes that should be A's, and i didn't contribute nearly anything to the newspaper.
i see next semester as a fresh start. it's going to have to be - i'm taking a pretty challenging 15 class hours, working about 15 hours a week, and probably writing more for the paper. hopefully the added responsibility will force me to stay on top of things. that's usually how it works for me, anyway.
so, here i sit at cafe plaid, catching up on the internet and enjoying some fantastic coffee and pumpkin bread.
some more exciting news: this week i cut my bangs and dyed my hair. anyone who's known me for a while knows i don't change my hair much. since i was about 17, my hair has looked like this:

Long, straight, brown, with longish sideswept bangs.
But on tuesday, i was bored. and my bangs were feeling... scraggly. so i got out of the shower and - snip! - made my first cut. it was really short. so, okay, i have short bangs now!

I freaked out for about half an hour. they seemed SO SHORT and goofy. I texted my mom a picture and said "OH GOD I JUST CUT MY BANGS, ARE THEY OKAY?? I DONT KNOW IF I LIKE IT!!" she was, of course, supportive. "it's trendy! put on some red lipstick and you'll look like Katy Perry."
Katy Perry, eh? Not sure that's what I was going for. But i guess it works. so then i waited for my boyfriend to come home. i was sure he'd hate it.
but he came home and said it was sexy, like bettie page. oooh!
he suggested i dye it black to go with the short bangs. i've been wanting to dye my hair black for a few months now; i did it last spring and i loved it, so i wanted to try again. so, here we are today...

so that's my life right now. more to come!
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