The most poignant part was definitely when he spoke about Christina-Taylor Green, the 9-year-old girl who was killed on Saturday.
"If there are rain puddles in heaven, Christina is jumping in them today," Obama said. "And here on Earth, we place our hands over our hearts, and commit ourselves as Americans to forging a country that is forever worthy of her gentle, happy spirit."
The speech reminded me of way back in 2008, when his rhetoric and messages were so lauded. Back before he was elected and started having to make real, polarizing decisions.
Hearing Obama speak tonight was a breath of fresh air after Sarah Palin's whiny video from earlier today. First, she was all, heyyyyy guys, don't blame me and my party, blame the INDIVIDUAL! Jared Loughner was totes not influenced by anything anybody said, ever. So I guess she's down with the "Ground Zero Mosque"! Good!
And then she was like, BUT BLAME THE MEDIA! They suck. In fact, "journalists and pundits ... manufacture a blood libel that serves only to incite the very hatred and violence they purport to condemn."
Buhhhhhhhhhh WAIT A MINUTE SARAH. Blood libel? That's super offensive. I can't believe not one person told her not to say that. I have to assume that some of her staffers read the speech ahead of time; why did they let her get away with that? Ridiculous.
Then she went all First Amendment on us. I was just using my right to dissent, she says. "When we 'take up our arms,' we're talking about our vote." Ohh, right.
Arms = vote.
Crosshairs = places to vote.
Reload = vote again.
"2nd Amendment remedies" = OH WAIT.
Ugh. She just continues to suck more and more and more. Here are some quotes I liked from this WaPo op-ed:
"Had Palin scoured a thesaurus, she could not have come up with a more inflammatory phrase [than blood libel]."
- Howard Kurtz, The Daily Beast
"She is an attractive person, she is articulate, but I think intellectually she seems not to understand what is going on here."
- Assistant House Minority Leader James Clyburn (D-S.C.)
So, to summarize:
Props to Obama for being classy.
Sarah Palin, once again, you suck.
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